Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
This is a script that creates and runs scripts with easy to understand building blocks allowing you to do just about anything easily.
How do the scripts work?
Each script is a big list of actions to follow in order. If an action is successful it'll turn green and will then go to the actions inside of it and do the same thing until it reaches the end of the script. After that, it'll start all the way back at the top and continue doing that while the script is running.
You can find more information in the Scripts guide.
Does this script support QuickStart?
It does! You can instantly run your created script by passing the full path to the saved script as the first param like this:
java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -account MyAccountNickname -script "Pandemic's Script Creator" -params "C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\Scripts\Pandemic's Script Creator\Scripts\MyScript.json"
All params after the script path will automatically become script variables, alternating between the variable name and its value.
What are variables?
Variables let you store and retrieve values from previous actions, even across any number of loops. For example, you could create a variable called Log Count and increase it every time you deposit them into your bank. That's an extremely simple example, variables allow you to store just about anything (text, numbers, booleans (true/false), and even entities themselves)
You can find more information in the Variables guide.
How do you use variables?
You can store values into variables by using the "Variables > Set variable" or "Variables > Set variable to last action's output" actions. When these run they'll store whatever you provide into that variable. Once stored, you can compare the values using the "Variables > If variable matches" action or even use the values in any other filter by putting var(Variable Name) where you want it replaced at runtime.
You can find more information in the Variables guide.
Can I send my scripts to other people to run?
Yes! Scripts you make can be saved and sent to other users to run, however do note that they also need Pandemic's Script Creator to load and run it.
Can I export my scripts into a standalone JAR file / for DreamBot's SDN?
You can use PSC Pro Tools to export a PSC script to a jar file, perfect for private selling. These cannot go on the DreamBot SDN, however.