Available subcategories in this category:
Available actions in this category:
- If distance to tile is
- If distance to destination is
- If distance to nearest bank is
- If distance to variable value is
- If distance to bank is
- If distance between tiles is
- If distance between variables is
- If tile is in the area
- If tile is not in the area
- If destination is in the area
- If destination is not in the area
- If run is enabled
- If run is not enabled
- If run energy is
- If tile is reachable
- If tile is not reachable
- If tile is reachable (with local obstacles)
- If tile is not reachable (with local obstacles)
- If tile is blocked
- If tile is not blocked
- Walk towards a tile (on screen)
- Teleport to minigame
- Enable run
- Disable run
- Set run energy threshold
- Enable obstacle sleeping
- Disable obstacle sleeping