Available actions in this category:
- If trade screen is open
- If trade screen is not open
- If first trade screen is open
- If first trade screen is not open
- If second trade screen is open
- If second trade screen is not open
- If trading with name equals
- If trading with name does not equal
- If trading with name contains
- If trading with name does not contain
- If our items contains match
- If our items do not contain match
- If their items contains match
- If their items do not contain match
- If our offer value is
- If their offer value is
- If we have accepted the trade
- If we have not accepted the trade
- If they have accepted the trade
- If they have not accepted the trade
- If we can accept offer
- If we can't accept offer
- Trade with player
- Accept trade
- Decline trade
- Close trade screen